May: Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Thank you to our friends at Blue Ridge Dermatology for providing this information!

Just in time for sunshine, southern summer temps, and sunscreen...May is skin cancer awareness month!

The incidence of both non melanoma (basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) and melanoma skin cancer rates continue to rise each year in the United States.

Now is the time to invest in a baseline skin examination by a dermatologist, and be educated on how to do an efficient and thorough monthly skin self-examination!  Skin cancers that are detected early, even melanomas, can often be cured by a simple excision or other less invasive treatment(s). 

Here are some tips:

Whether you're in the garden or at the beach this summer...wear a hat!

Whether you're in the garden or at the beach this summer...wear a hat!

  • April through September: Avoid unprotected sun exposure, particularly between 11 AM and 4 PM to reduce the risk of getting a sun-induced skin cancer.   You don't have to stay indoors...but protect your skin!

  • Wear hats and protective clothing, apply broad spectrum, SPF 30+ sunscreen, and reapply sunscreen every 80 minutes when swimming or perspiring, or sooner if toweling off sun exposed skin.

  • Preventative care is critical!  Melanoma skin cancer can be independent of sun exposure and can, therefore, occur on any part of the body, not only where the sun shines.  Each month, take a few minutes to look at your own skin, head to toe.

  • Here's what you should be on the lookout for:
    • Moles, whether flat or raised, that are darker, larger, asymmetric, more irregular in border or color or pinker than the other moles on our bodies or than how they looked on the previous month.
    • Moles that are irritated, itching or bleeding should also be evaluated closely by a dermatologist.  Even moles present from birth can evolve into melanoma and should be watched for any visible changes.
    • Pimples that do not heal after a month, places that stay scaly or bleed easily should also be brought to the attention of a dermatologist. 
  • Ask your hair stylist to notice the skin of your scalp when your hair is wet
  • Visit the dentist and eye doctor regularly.
  • Ask a close friend or family member to check areas that are difficult to directly monitor ourselves.

Healthy skin habits take only a few minutes each day and screening yourself for skin cancer signs takes only a few minutes each month. Establishing these routines can literally save your life by preventing a skin cancer or detecting one in its earliest stages.

This May, please make a commitment to both protecting and monitoring your skin so that you can enjoy the great outdoors in great health for many years to come! 

Women's Luncheon & 15th Anniversary Celebration

On April 17th, 333 women and men gathered to celebrate 15 years of compassionate care for our neighbors, raising a record $170,000 (and counting) for Alliance Medical Ministry!


Dr. Laura Helton Kalorin kicked off the luncheon with a champagne toast, recognizing both Alliance's clinical staff and the clinic itself, for 15 years of compassionate, quality primary care.

Alliance staff dressed up the Renaissance Hotel (and Garden Girl) for the occasion...


...and special friends of Alliance dressed up in Spring clothes from event partner Marta's of Raleigh, who graciously donated 15% of the proceeds from all clothing purchased after the luncheon by attendees to Alliance!

Thank you to our Marta's Models:

Alicia Barfield

Debbie Day

Morgie Duke

Becca Edwards, Co-Chair

Dr. Jacque Hicks, Panelist

Kathryn Holding, Director of Development & Communications

Elizabeth McCullough, Moderator

Kirsten Riggs, Co-Chair

During the lunch, attendees heard from Alliance's Executive Director Megg Rader about clinic milestones over the past 15 years...

...and learned more about the strategic plans of the organization, particularly around areas of social determinants of health, and the importance of collaboration and partnerships.


Our incredible panel of speakers included current Alliance patient Flor Lopez, volunteer Dr. Jacqueline Hicks, and Dr. Elizabeth Tilson, State Health Director and Chief Medical Officer for the Department of Health & Human Services. Elizabeth McCullough, attorney with Young, Moore, & Henderson, served as moderator.

You can read Flor's personal story here, which has since been edited to include a leadership position at her church working with the youth, taking part in our spring 2018 Seed to Supper program, and serving as a team captain for Alliance's Million Step Challenge. 

Flor Lopez participating in the Fall 2017 Cooking Matters class, her first wellness program at AMM.

Flor Lopez participating in the Fall 2017 Cooking Matters class, her first wellness program at AMM.

Flor (middle, yellow jacket) joins other patients and community members in the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle's Seed to Supper program hosted at AMM in early 2018.

Flor (middle, yellow jacket) joins other patients and community members in the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle's Seed to Supper program hosted at AMM in early 2018.

Through this event, 28 individuals (and counting!) have joined the Alliance Circle:

Becky Andrews

Emily Andrews

Libby  Barber

Holly Burge

Mary Clayton

Elizabeth Daniel

Misty D'Ottavio

Margaret Douglas

Rebecca Edwards

Sue Englert

Ella Frantz

Kathleen Gormley

Martha Howard

Mary June Jones

Cindy Lochbaum

Emily McNair

Siobhan Millen

Tricia Phoenix

Megg Rader

Wes Ragland

Anne & George Ramsay

Ann Clark Ramsay

Kirsten Riggs

Mary Nash Rusher

Susan Weaver

Anne Williams

Debbie Woody

Ann Wooten

It's not too late!  Remember all new, increased, or lapsed gifts made through June 15th will support our Stewards Fund match to receive $55,000.


Thank you to our host committee and our event co-chairs for tireless efforts in putting together the event: Paige Donnald, Becca Edwards & Kirsten Riggs.

L to R:  Becca Edwards, Co-Chair; Megg Rader, Executive Director; Kirsten Riggs, Co-Chair

L to R:  Becca Edwards, Co-Chair; Megg Rader, Executive Director; Kirsten Riggs, Co-Chair

The event ended with a skincare send-off from our friends at Merz North America!  One lucky winner from each table took home a little blue bag filled with dermatology products. Thank you, Merz North America!

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Thank you to our sponsors for their support in making this event a tremendous success:

Presenting Sponsors


Silver Partners

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Bronze Partners

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Trinity Baptist Church: Operation InAsMuch 2018


Trinity Baptist Church has supported Alliance Medical Ministry from the beginning, sending volunteers through Operation InAsMuch to paint and carpet our first building.

Over 15 years, that relationship has bloomed, now including an annual trip of the Baptist Men's Dental Bus for a day of service through Operation InAsMuch.

On April 27, Dr. Randy Macon, Dr. Gabriel Villena, dental hygienists and support staff served 20 Alliance patients with much-needed dental care. This is an invaluable resource for our patients.

Thank you, Trinity Baptist Church and all dental volunteers!

April 2018 Volunteer Spotlight: Millie Herget

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After a varied career -- including owning M. Herget Stationer and Soulier Shoes for 25 years, serving as an academic adviser at NC State University for 19 years, and even working as a spy during the Vietnam War -- Millie Herget finally retired in 2016. 

"When I retired, I decided to spend the year finding out what I wanted to do. I wouldn’t allow myself to commit. People gave me all kinds of ideas and I had the opportunity to do research."

Millie had heard about Alliance Medical Ministry and remembered her friend Dr. Anne McLaurin seeing patient here, and wanted to learn more.

"I come from a medical family. I’m a caregiver. I believe everyone should have equal care. Everyone should have a chance to learn about wellness. I believe in mind, body, and spirit, so [Alliance's approach] goes together well for me.  I’ve found it so remarkable that you’ve done what you said you were going to do!"

Millie volunteers weekly with Patient Eligibility, meeting with prospective patients to review their patient application and educate them on the comprehensive care, counseling, and wellness opportunities available at Alliance.

Millie's educational background includes a Masters in Counseling Education from N.C. State University. Although she is not counseling patients at Alliance, she finds the listening skills she learned within her life's work serve her well as she walks through the eligibility process with patients. "The people I meet with are friendly, caring, and so relieved that they have an affordable option for medical care. It's wonderful to hear each individual's personal story. I’ve got that time to be a listening ear."

Lara Casiano, Eligibility Coordinator, loves working with Millie! "Millie is a perfect fit when it comes to making patients feel welcomed. Her wonderful patience and heartwarming personality certainly makes patient feel we are here to help them. Millie is also always willing to help staff and keeps us with a smile when she is here."


Challenge Accepted!

The 2018 Million Step Challenge Begins.


Year Two of the Million Step Challenge has begun! Thirty-four female are participating in the event, challenged to take 1 million steps in 100 days. 

We'll do the math for you:  that's 10,000 steps every day!

In May, June, and July, walkers will "get their steps in" by issuing challenges to each other, planning group walks, and coming to Alliance for our Walk with a Doc program.

Garden & Wellness Coordinator Jesse crouch is hosting a 1.3 mile group walk twice each month at Alliance, engaging health educators in giving a 30-45 minute health education session, including nutritionists and healthcare provider.

Thanks to Million Step Challenge Sponsor Medical Mutual Insurance Company of North Carolina, all patients receive Garmins to track their steps!

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“We have been proud supporters of Alliance Medical Ministry for years, and our team is excited to partner with the organization on this year’s Million Step Challenge. The program is yet another way that the Alliance team is fulfilling their mission and building healthy habits in a community we both serve.” - Jim Kay, Medical Mutual Insurance Company of North Carolina


Each of the teams are led by an Alliance patient, including four participants of the Million Step Challenge in 2017, Maryse, Michelle, Teresa, and Ana. 

Flor Lopez heads up another team, and is making it fun by leading group chats through the Garmin app and issuing group challenges. 

Alliance dressed up for the Kick-Off Dinner for the Million Step Challenge, offering fresh veggies, hummus, sandwiches and salads.

We'll look forward to following the walkers as they take steps toward their goal!

April 2018 Garden Update: Jesse Crouch, Garden & Wellness Coordinator

Spring is here!  Our spring vegetables are coming along nicely, and our garden has an incredible new addition -- a hoop house!

This month, we were fortunate to have volunteers from National Charity League, Service Raleigh, and Activate Good assist us with major garden projects.  

Even bigger news? Over two longs evenings, five amazing volunteers from Edenton Street United Methodist Church Missional Community poured their hearts and souls into our Community Garden and constructed a 16 foot x 28 foot hoop house.

A 'hoop house' is a modified greenhouse for planting in the ground, adding 448 feet of growing space and extends our growing season into the Fall and early Spring.

Clearing the soil before laying the groundwork for the hoop house.

Clearing the soil before laying the groundwork for the hoop house.

The first hoop goes up.

The first hoop goes up.

Teamwork at its finest!

Teamwork at its finest!

The door goes in.

The door goes in.

Covering with plastic.

Covering with plastic.

The finished product!

The finished product!

This summer, we'll plant tomato plants in the hoop house, and will expect to harvest them in December for our patients! 

Now's the time to get your hands dirty!


Join us for a Garden Workday -- individuals or groups welcomed.  Learn about organic gardening, composting, and the importance of honeybees.  No previous experience required.  Jesse Crouch, Garden Coordinator will provide instructions, tools, and oversight.

Sign up now! 

Email Jesse Crouch,


2018 Spring Garden Launch

Alliance Medical Ministry's 4th Spring Garden Launch focused on community building and celebrating the Community Garden space, connecting different communities that participate and share in the garden, including volunteers, patients, and neighbors.

We welcomed 58 individuals to Alliance's Community Garden. Volunteers tackled key garden projects, including planting 32 tomato plants, harvesting radishes, watering lettuces, and mulching around our newly-constructed hoop house.  Thanks to volunteers from Boy Scout Troop #395 from White Memorial Presbyterian and Edenton Street Missional Community for lending your hands!

In connecting the various stakeholders who utilize, benefit from, and work in our Community Garden, we work toward reaching goals set out in the Nutrition Hub Pilot Project with the Raleigh Food Corridor. Through the Nutrition Hub initiative, Alliance's Community Garden serves as a centralized community space to provide nutrition, health, and food-related services and education in a single location. 

Our partner agency the Alice Aycock Poe Center for Health Education was on-site, leading the kids in educational and exercise games.

Alliance Senior Physician Dr. Sheryl Joyner led patients and volunteers in a 1.3 mile Walk with a Doc, kicking off the walk with a talk on the benefits of walking, including helping with weight loss, reducing blood pressure, and improving mental health. Many patient participants are currently enrolled in the Million Step Challenge!

Wellness partner You Call this Yoga's Elise Dorsett taught a yoga class in the garden, including a diverse group of patients, volunteers, and children.


Many attendees painted mosaic tiles, which will be placed on our bulletin board to commemorate the launch.

After a morning of exercise and garden work, a healthy meal was shared by all!