Spotlight of the Month! — Alliance Medical Ministry providing healthcare in Wake County, NC

Spotlight of the Month!

Alliance is so grateful for the caring and dedicated work of Beverley Hester over the past 4 years. Beverly has been a member of the Alliance Medical Ministry family since June of 2008 and will be moving to Charlotte,North Carolina to be with her family. Beverly is a licensed clinical social worker who retired in 2006.  After a mission trip in Nicaragua in May of 2008 with her church, Pullen Memorial, Beverly discovered her passion for service.  It was then that she decided she wanted to continue to volunteer.  Beverly found out about Alliance from her primary caregiver and decided to dedicate her time to Alliance’s mission.

During Beverly’s 4 years at Alliance she assisted in the clinic helping the doctors and nurses by getting the patients from the waiting room and bringing them back to the clinic.  Among the other things that she did, such as getting basic information from the patients and helping to ensure that rotations ran smoothly, she truly enjoyed her interaction with the patients.  Learning their story, who they are, and making a connection with them in such a short period of time was a rewarding experience for her.  “Alliance truly does treat the whole person.  It has been a great pleasure to work here with the patients and staff,” says Beverly, “They believe in holistic health and provide it through passionate care as well as chaplain services.”

As much asBeverlywill miss Alliance, Alliance will miss her just a much.  “Beverly is such a great person to work with.  She really cares about the patients and loves being here.  We’re really going to miss her,” says LeAnne Ritter, an Alliance nurse.  Beverly plans to find a similar organization that she can volunteer her time towards when she moves.  “I have really enjoyed my time here and want to continue volunteering with a non-profit that has a similar mission asAlliance.”  No matter where she moves, Beverly will always be a member of the Alliance family.  “She is a loving person and it really shows through her interaction with the patients”, says Nurse Kim Conklin.  Beverly has truly been an asset to Alliance Medical Ministry and we are so grateful for her commitment to our mission over the past 4 years!
