A Farm to Table Dinner recap, by Kathryn Holding
All photos by Emily Ballard Photography.
The gloom lifted, the grey skies turned blue, and the sun shone as 300 Alliance friends and supporters joined us in our Community Garden for our second Farm to Table Dinner!
The evening promised creative custom cocktails, locally-brewed beer and a locally-sourced and delicious family-style meal; our event partners delivered!
We began the evening with a cocktail hour in the garden and clinic tours. Marshall Davis and the team from Gallo Pelon Mezcaleria created two of the most delicious cocktails you've ever tasted: "The Doctor's Orders" and "The Prescription", with spirits from Troy & Sons:
Raleigh favorite Trophy Brewing Company and David Meeker brought Trophy's delicious summer saison for the beer aficionados at the party.
During cocktail hour, all those - whether new or familiar with Alliance - were invited into the clinic for tours from our physicians and medical staff.
Small bites were passed by Irregardless Cafe staff, and party-goers played a "game of chance" at our Wine Wall.
Our garden and wellness programs were celebrated throughout the evening. Our garden is in full bloom, and we were excited to include radishes in the spring salad prepared for the dinner!
We welcomed two of our live auction package donors, Hillsborough craftsman Elia Bizzarri and live artist Dan Nelson to showcase their talents!
Thanks to Maria Gunn, Beth Murphy, Emily McNair and all those who donated roses from their gardens, our tent was a floral wonderland!
A fun cocktail hour was had by all!
The sun began to set...
...and we headed under the tent for a family-style meal of fresh and local ingredients prepared by Irregardless Cafe.
A highlight of the evening was an announcement by Alliance Executive Director Megg Rader about a $500,000 gift given by the Helton Family! This transformative gift by such a special family has allowed us to pay off our mortgage. With this gift, more of the funds we raised goes directly to our clinic, patients and programs! Many, many thanks to Dr. Charles and Barbara Helton and their family for playing such an instrumental role in the past, present and future of Alliance!
The evening concluded with our live auction of "unique experiences", including a 7-night stay at Pear Tree Cottage in the Cotswolds, a chef dinner at Bida Manda and fine art experience at Adam Cave Gallery, dinner for eight at Raleigh's newest restaurant/grocery Standard Foods, and a dinner for six at the award-winning Chef and the Farmer.
We could not have made the event what it was without the help of our fabulous co-chairs, Dianne Davidian, Margaret Douglas, and Jennie Hayman!
Many thanks to ALL who supported us at this event. With your help, we raised over $150,000 for
Alliance Medical Ministry!
Interested in learning how to contribute to our mission?
Contact our Development Office by email, development@alliancemedicalministry.org, or by phone, (919) 250-9254. We'd love to have you join our family!