Seed to Supper, April 2017
The six-week gardening program offered at Alliance Medical Ministry in partnership with the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, Seed to Supper, has successfully ended! This program is taught by local Master Gardeners (including volunteer Rich Woynicz), and teaches adult novice gardeners how to grow their own vegetables.
Three Alliance patients will be graduating this month (including patient Blanca Perez), and at least two patients will be growing vegetables in the Alliance Community Garden this summer!
“I came to Alliance originally with serious asthma, needing medication to control it. I use to go the emergency room with my asthma attacks. Now I’m healthy.
Alliance gave me so many gifts: losing weight, exercise, things that I don’t always do. Last year, I did a Cooking Matters class, and learned so many new things. I’ve never eaten healthy like this, and I needed to learn. All of the food we’re making now is healthy and good. It’s been hard to make some changes with my family because we grew up eating a different way, but we now have new favorites, like quinoa and hummus.
Now I’m learning how to garden in the Seed to Supper Program. This is new for me! I’ve always wanted to grow my own tomatoes and peppers. We’re deciding whether to grow at home or grow at Alliance.”
Zumba, April 2017
After a successful 6-week trial run, we're excited to have Zumba as a permanent, weekly offering for our patients! We're excited to watch this community grow further.
Million Step Challenge, April 2017
The Million Step Challenge is well underway, with our physicians and patients competing against each other in teams and individually to "get their steps in"!
Alliance Team Rankings for Week 6:
Team Joyner at 10,709 steps per day steps per participant
Team Wasserman at 12,418 steps per day per participant
Team Burkhead at 7,551 steps per day per participant
Patients and providers are walking together on week nights and weekends to get in the needed average of 9,000 steps per day to achieve one million steps by the end of the challenge!