What is volunteering? According to Miriam-Webster, volunteering is when “a person voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service.” Though this is the technical definition, volunteering is much more than just that!
Coming Together for Mental Health
Getting After Your Goals in 2022
For many, a new year means a fresh start. The word “resolution” is a typical buzzword during the first few weeks of a new year and differs depending on the person and year. New Year's resolutions are sometimes seen as things you feel like you should be doing or routines to be put into place that aim for perfection. When setting resolutions, it sometimes feels like there has to be a problem solved or some kind of firm decision about doing or not doing something.
A Heart Healthy Thanksgiving Dinner
November is National Diabetes Month! This month is dedicated to raising awareness about diabetes, specifically how to prevent the disease. This issue is incredibly important to us at AMM as 48% of our patients have a diagnosis of diabetes or pre-diabetes. By making small lifestyle changes, the risk of type 2 diabetes significantly decreases and prediabetes can even be reversed.
Interview ft. Pete Tannenbaum Discussing Use of Technology by Nonprofits During Pandemic
COVID-19 has impacted how society normally operates, especially for our community's most vulnerable neighbors. Check out the WRAL interview below featuring Executive Director, Pete Tannenbaum, explaining how technology has allowed AMM to continue offering compassionate healthcare to patients throughout the pandemic.