Have you ever heard of a MedServe Fellow? MedServe Fellows are recent college graduates who have completed a pre-medical curriculum and are taking time off before medical school. Fellows spend two years as full-time, active helpers in the clinic.
Volunteer Highlight: Rich Woynicz
Rich Woynicz (L) taught the spring Seed to Supper garden education program, hosted onsite at Alliance Medical Ministry.
Rich Woynicz first learned about Alliance Medical Ministry in 2015, when he was just beginning his Master Gardener work. He runs the Kirk Community Garden in Cary, sponsored by the Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church. Since that time, Rich has provided invaluable technical garden support, including helping Garden & Wellness Coordinator Jesse Crouch install the irrigation system last year.
"The Alliance Community Garden is a wonderful example of how organizations can tie together nutritional health, physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. The Community Garden is about more than just gardening - it's about growing people and relationships. I've applied some of this to the other community garden work I do, and to my work as a Master Gardener volunteer."
In his role as Master Gardener, Rich continues to support our mission by teaching Inter-Faith Food Shuttle's Seed to Supper program at Alliance. "The Seed to Supper program involves Alliance patients and others from the Food Shuttle who want to eat healthier and grow their own food. We teach the basics of home gardening - choosing what to grow when, what to do about plant insects and diseases, and what to do with your harvest. It's a great program to help people get started or get back to growing their own healthy food."
What does Rich find most compelling about Alliance? "I've discovered just how much help AMM has provided to the community. I come across people all over the county who have either been involved or have benefited from AMM's mission. I think partnerships like the one Master Gardeners have with the Food Shuttle and Alliance are the way we all
can reach out to be more effective in own missions. Working together, we get more done and reach out to more people who need our services and expertise."
Thank you, Rich, for your continued support of our mission and Community Garden!
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